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Part Time Jobs in Chatsworth
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jobs 16 - 17 of 17
We Require A Shoe Tester Female Size 4 Or 5 . Part Time
- Chatsworth | Dec 7, 2020
- Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal - We require a shoe tester . female size 4 or 5 . Must reside in Malvern, Queensburg or Chatsworth area. Please email C.V together with blac...
Require Shoe Tester For New Sneaker Female Size 4 Or 5
- Chatsworth | Nov 17, 2020
- Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal - Require shoe tester for new sneaker female size 4 or 5. part time . 074 361 0923 email cv to avinpillay@gmail.com Id Subtitle 839114298...